Download PuTTY【for Windows】free

PuTTY is an SSH and telnet client, originally developed by Simon Tatham for the Windows platform. PuTTY is an open source software that is available with source code and is developed and supported by a group of volunteers.

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PuTTY what is it

Developed and maintained primarily by Simon Tatham, PuTTY is an open source application that makes use of networking protocols such as Telnet and rlogin on Windows and UNIX platforms along with an xterm terminal emulator. Over a network, PuTTY makes use of all of the above protocols to allow a remote session on a computer. It is a popular tool for text-based communication and is also a popular utility for connecting Linux servers from computers running Microsoft operating system.

The main goal of PuTTY is to become a cross-platform application capable of running on most operating systems. It can be considered as an xterm terminal for most purposes. You even specify your terminal type as xterm to the server; although this can be reconfigured. Most features like port forwarding and public keys are available through command line options. The main PuTTY window has the session running on the remote computer and through which commands can be sent directly to the remote computer. To reduce the unpredictability of random data, PuTTY makes use of a random number seed file that is typically stored in the PUTTY.RND file. In terms of cut and paste functionality, PuTTY can be customized to act similar to xterm.

PuTTY offers some clear advantages, especially when working remotely. It is easier to configure and is more stable. It is also more persistent compared to others, since a remote session can be resumed as soon as the connection is reestablished after an interruption. It has an easy to use graphical user interface. PuTTY supports many variations of the secure remote terminal. Some terminal control sequences, such as Linux console sequences, that are not supported by xterm, are supported by PuTTY.

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